
How to configure your new Windows 10 laptop

Got a new laptop? Windows 10 includes some wonderful features along with a revamped interface for Microsoft’s operating system. No matter how experienced you are with Windows, you still may need help getting used to this, so let’s get you started. #1 Check for updates Your new laptop should check for updates automatically, but you […]

Leave no room for hackers to operate

For most people, social media is a convenient way to stay in touch with family and friends. For a small group of people, it’s an opportunity to profit off other people’s trust. Here are some things you can do to continue enjoying Facebook and Twitter without compromising your privacy.

Keep your laptop from overheating

Laptops are so convenient and hassle-free to use. It’s easy to forget that they need regular maintenance. One of the most common causes of laptop damage is overheating. Learn how to prevent your laptop from overheating, so you can boost its speed and prolong its life.

How Cloud Backup Helps Your Business

New threats to businesses’ precious employee and customer data emerge every day, so the only surefire way to protect your files from viruses, theft, and other unforeseeable disasters is to partner with a leading cloud backup provider. With a basic understanding of how cloud backups work, you can set up a plan that is economical […]

Social Media and HIPAA Compliance

Before Social Media platforms like Facebook went live, HIPAA was established to protect the privacy of medical providers and their patients. And although there are no specific rules for Social Media use, every healthcare organization must implement security protocols that adhere to privacy policies.

Biometrics Authentication for Mobile Devices

Having to use passwords constantly can be a pain (and a high security risk) to many of us. Luckily, Chrome, Edge, and Firefox have recently agreed to support biometrics for authentication to make our social media, email, and shopping account logins easier and more secure.

Android phone makers skip critical updates

Watch out Android users, your smartphone may not be as secure as you thought it was. A study has found that a few Android manufacturers may have accidentally skipped crucial software updates despite saying they constantly keep their products up to date.

What are watering hole attacks?

When talking about cyberattacks, the first one that usually comes to mind is phishing, a scam that uses email to spread malware or steal personal information. But hackers have a new method to infiltrate your systems, and it’s surprisingly effective. Here’s what you need to know about watering hole attacks.

Protect your Facebook data with these 3 steps

Facebook users woke up to a nightmare when they heard that the social media giant and associated app developers were selling their sensitive data to companies, like Cambridge Analytica, without their consent. So if you’re concerned about being one of the 50 million users whose data have already been sold, you should check out the […]

Gearing up for phishing scams in tax season

Paying and filing taxes is already annoying without the threat of refund fraud or identity theft. But phishing schemes, especially during tax season, have become so widespread that you’ve probably already received spoofed emails or calls during the last few years.